Identified - Institutional customers using custom SAML resources in OpenAthens should be aware of security vulnerabilities in Shibboleth Service Provider software and SimpleSAML Service Provider software which might affect the vendors they are connecting with.
What you need to do: We suggest institutional customers using custom SAML resources in OpenAthens send these links to their vendors and ask them to confirm their Service Provider software is either unaffected or that the vulnerability has been addressed. To find the resources, please go into the admin area and look at the custom tab within the resource catalogue, you only need to concern yourself with the ones that say SAML.
For the avoidance of doubt: these vulnerabilities do NOT affect the OpenAthens service. Please direct all queries to the vendors for which your institution is using custom SAML resources in OpenAthens.
Mar 18, 2025 - 15:18 GMT